Roof Repair Wilmington, NC? How much will it cost?
To answer these questions, let’s explore what a roof repair may look like. Some roof repairs consist of one shingle being blown off in a recent wind event. Other repairs consist of replacing or reflashing a sky light, a chimney, or ventilation system. Repairs can even consist of replacing an entire slope of your roof due to wind, hail, fallen branches, or other unforeseen events. We, at Alpha Roofing, will give you all of the specs for your repair before you decide what is the best course of action for your roofing project.

Roof Repair Time
The time it takes to repair a shingle versus an entire slope of a roof varies greatly. However, that is not the only time that a roofing crew spends on your repair project. If you have one shingle or up to 10 shingles needing to be replaced, a repair specialist may spend 10-20 minutes on the physical removal and reinstallation process. Yet, this is not the only amount of time that is spent on your repair. We take extra care at Alpha Roofing by shingle matching for your project. Sometimes, the original shingle used is no longer in production, sometimes the shingle color has faded beyond its capacity to be matched to the original product. We locate the best shingle match for you at multiple supply distributors, which takes time. As we arrive for your repair, our technicians have all of the equipment they need on hand, because we have taken the time to gather all of the components needed for your individualized repair. It may seem like the repair was “no big deal,” but now you know better!
Larger repair projects, like reshingling an entire slope of the roof, may take up an entire day. Repair projects often consist of less roofing installation technicians on your roof at one time. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath single story home usually takes a day to reroof because we have more installers available for this complexity of the project. Either way, we do our very best to make sure that your repair is not a “sight for sore eyes” with color matching the best we can and being efficient in our work, in the amount of time we take.
Roof Repair Cost
Now that you have a better understanding of the amount of time it takes to complete your repair, the cost associated with it also varies. In the example of repairing 1-10 shingles, we do not just stop there. We give your entire roof an examination (a wellness check up) and make adjustments/repairs/touchups as we discover them. Rest assured, you will know exactly what we have completed by receiving pictures of your repair project sent directly to your phone (via a clickable link). The average cost, for this type of repair, for a single story, 3 bed, 2 bath walkable pitch roof is $400. If you have a specific question about your roof repair, please contact us by clicking “Request Estimate,” to get an accurate repair cost.
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